Tag Archives: animals

Preparing to welcome lego

This is the fist blog post on Lego’s own little WordPress server. Here, you’ll be able to follow Lego’s progresss, news, and accomplishments as he makes them.

Lego er en liten gringo!

So, who exactly is lego?

Lego is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel born 20 Mai 2010 at Kennel Gjerdeheim

Tradition dictates that his name is Gjerdeheim Lego. We chose the name “Lego” because he is small, a playful, and highly intelligent breed (some latin derivative of “Lego” can be translated, allbeit loosely, as “I learn”).

If all goes according to plan, Lego should be picked up by his new owners after work on the 16th of  July (yeah, 2010, that too!)  at the age of 8 weeks.

Needless to say, we’re looking forward to it! 

This is Lego’s mom, Wilma:

Wilma, mor til Lego

One of Lego’s siblings, planning mischief:

En av søsknene til Lego

 PS: The images can be clicked for a larger preview.

See you around!